US Oil & Gas president on Biden Venezuela oil deal: Propping up Marxist gov't and 'one of the dirtiest oil producers globally’


Tim Stewart discusses the Biden administration’s recent relaxation of oil sanctions against Venezuela, after it authorized Chevron to resume oil production through its joint ventures in the country. The President of US Oil and Gas Association comments on the hypocriasy of the Biden’s comments at the climate summit, earlier this week, where he committed the United States to pay poor countries reparations for the climate damage the United States may have imposed on them, while asking Venezuela for oil who is “one of the dirtiest oil producers globally.” Stewart comments, Biden "wouldn't need to be lifting sanctions on Venezuela, if he hadn't kicked the Canadians to the curb on day-one of [his] administration, that for whatever reason, the administration views some oil as good and some oil as bad, and in this particular case, they told the Canadians we don't like your heavy crude, it's bad. But you know, 377 days later, they've decided Venezuelian heavy crude is good.” Stewart says "the reality is, we're essentially propping up the Marxist regime, rather than turning to our own resources or our close allies to the north, the Canadians."

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