VA largest counties request Gov. Youngkin preserve elections results to prevent future 'mischief'

Glenn Youngkin

Denny Dougherty, Republican Chair of Prince William County, discusses his recent request to Governor Glenn Youngkin alongside Republican Chairs of Fairfax and Loudoun County, that Virginia preserve the election results of its past two elections, so it can be “proactive and correct some of the problems that arose under predecessors." Dougherty comments that "there are a lot of unanswered questions about the way in which elections have been handled in Virginia, we're counting on and we're asking Governor Younkin to preserve the records of that difficult election, so we can learn lessons to know that our elections are less subject to the vagaries of chance and mischief," in the future. The Republican Chair of the second largest county in Virginia comments, "it's a lot easier to to fix things if you understand where the problems were, and I don't think Governor had promised it in his election campaign, he was going to do an audit of the of the recent elections. We can't do an audit without records."

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