War correspondent, Special Forces vet says ‘U.S. military turned away Americans at Kabul airport gates’

Afghans line up to leave the country from Kabul

Michael Yon, former Special Forces turned combat journalist, gives John Solomon Reports an Exclusive, that Americans, were in-fact, turned away from the gates of Kabul Airport by US Military, saying that they were acting on orders ‘by the State Department to turn Americans away’. And, former Kansas Secretary of State, Kris Kobach, also joins the podcast today to discuss his recent lawsuit against the Biden administration, alleging that Biden used executive orders to undercut current Federal immigration law, by not allowing ‘ICE officers to take custody or deport illegal aliens unless they get special permission’, and by releasing illegal aliens into the country ‘without notices to appear in immigration court’, he also talks about the security threat that comes with having the southern border open.

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