Donald Trump claims Democrats and Big Tech orchestrated Jan. 6 coverup in newly released statement

Donald Trump, whose third White House bid is underway, releases new statement on Big Tech collusion and Democrats' response to Jan. 6 with surprising details.

Published: February 14, 2023 4:22pm

Updated: February 14, 2023 5:30pm

Former President and 2024 White House candidate Donald Trump released a new statement regarding Big Tech censorship and the events surrounding January 6, 2021 on Tuesday, saying the Democratic Party and various social media outlets colluded for years to keep his posts from the public eye. 

"It was shockingly revealed that Twitter colluded with the FBI and other law enforcement agencies to Rig and Steal the 2020 Presidential Election in favor of Joe Biden, and to deplatform and illegally censor me," the statement provided to Just The News began. "As a key example of the corruption within the FBI, Special Agent Charles McGonigal, the head of the now fully 'debunked' Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, has recently been arrested for being 'paid off' by receiving large amounts of money from, get this, Russia. The Russia Witch Hunt was extremely detrimental to the Trump Campaign's effort to win the 2020 Presidential Election.

"I have been newly reinstated on Twitter and various other social media platforms, and my Tweets, which were taken down by Big Tech censorship, and thus seen by very few, have just been made public," Trump continued. "The highly partisan January 6th Committee did not want these messages to be part of the Historical and Legal Record, but they have now been fully restored—a sad shock to what I call the Unselect Committee of Political Hacks and Thugs." 

The statement then showed two specific tweets Trump had posted, asking for a "peaceful" protest and for participants to support any law enforcement officials who were on the ground at the Capitol that day. 


"These Tweets were concealed from the public's view for almost two years, because the former executives of Twitter followed the wishes of Joe Biden and the FBI in censoring me, and cancelling my account," he added. "Now that these new Statements on Twitter and Facebook have emerged, having a widespread and very positive impact on me, it is paramount for all examining the events of January 6, 2021, to be aware of this new and irrefutable information, as nothing can be more obvious as to its meaning—a meaning that was withdrawn from the public by Twitter's censorship and the January 6th Unselect Committee's lack of effort to find them." 

Trump also pointed out how he posted "parallel messages" to other social media platforms stressing peace and lawful behavior. 

"The terribly biased January 6th Committee ignored this key part of the Legal and Historical Record, because the partisan members of that Committee did not want to acknowledge the fact that such Statements," because they would "exonerate" him. 

Trump claimed he had initially recommended 10,000-20,000 National Guard troops be stationed at the Capitol on Jan.6, as large crowds were expected. He then chastised D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) — both Democrats — for shaking off his suggestion, due to potentially negative political optics. He then went on to say he met with Defense officials and that this "information is laid out in detail and corroborated in the Report by the Department of Defense's Inspector General." 

Trump touched upon his video message from January 6th echoing his online statements as well. He accused the select committee charged with investigating the matter of doctoring and editing said clip for political purposes while masking the reality from the American people. 

"My Statements encouraging peace and patriotism stand in stark contrast with other officials who have consistently and irresponsibly called for violence and extremism," Trump stated. He proceeded to list various left-wing Democrats, including Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) comparing their rhetoric to his, while saying how starkly different they are.  

"There has never been any effort to hold these politicians responsible or accountable for their wrongful statements, despite the death and destruction caused," he added. 

"These quotes do, again, fully exonerate me, and should put an end to the National nightmare of weaponized, targeted, and dangerous Witch Hunts and Hoaxes against a certain political Party, and me," the 45th president concluded. 

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