Trump to lead national election integrity drive as first post-presidential move, says adviser

Trump's goals for next two years include "winning back the House and the Senate for Republicans in 2022 to make sure that we can stop the Democratic craziness," said adviser Jason Miller.

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Published: January 21, 2021 11:38am

Updated: January 23, 2021 8:54pm

Top Trump adviser Jason Miller told "Just the News AM" on Thursday that he expects former President Trump to "emerge as the nation's leader on ballot and voting integrity" in the coming months.

Miller, who was aboard Air Force One with Trump and his family as they flew from Washington, D.C. to Florida on Wednesday morning, told show host Carrie Sheffield that Trump "has a number of goals over the next couple of years ... winning back the House and the Senate for Republicans in 2022 to make sure that we can stop the Democratic craziness."

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Miller added that lots of the important work that will need to be done on voter integrity will "never get done in Washington," because Democratic lawmakers won't allow the issue to be taken seriously.

Following the November presidential election, Trump and his campaign and attorneys launched a number of high-profile inquiries into the ways ballots across the nation were counted on Election Day, into the night, and in the coming days as absentee ballots were tallied. 

Miller said that he believes Trump's forthcoming plan, which will take fuller shape in the coming months, will entail working closely with individual states and their legislatures to ensure the validity and integrity of future American elections and the votes of the country's citizens. 

Though he says the former president has not yet made a decision about 2024, Miller hopes to see Trump return to the White House for a second term in 2025. 

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