CBP firearms instructor dies from accidental shooting at gun range

The officer was teaching a course at the Trail Glades Range where he was accidentally shot.

Published: October 19, 2022 5:02pm

Updated: October 19, 2022 5:30pm

A U.S. Customs and Border Protection firearms instructor has died following an accidental shooting at a Miami-Dade gun range on Wednesday.

"A U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer working at the weapons range was critically injured while on duty and pronounced deceased earlier today," a CBP spokesperson told Local 10 News. 

The officer was teaching a "building search training" course at the Trail Glades Range where he was accidentally shot. Medical assistance arrived on the scene and transported the instructor to Jackson Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Dario Pederajo, who was present at the range during the incident, told the outlet CBP routinely use the facility and that the shooting prompted authorities to order everyone to stop shooting.

"On the police range side it's mainly Customs and Border (Protection), they come on Wednesday for practice," he said. "Several police officers came running over to the civilian side of the range, where the main office is, and said someone had been shot, stop shooting."

The instructor's identity has yet to be released and the Miami-Dade Police Department is investigating the incident.

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