DNC parts ways with Dem election lawyer Marc Elias, known for Trump-Russia collusion role, report

Elias Law Group was paid over $2 million by the DNC from November 2021 to February 2023.

Published: April 12, 2023 2:51pm

Updated: April 12, 2023 4:10pm

The Democratic National Committee has ended its professional arrangement with progressive election lawyer Marc Elias, infamous for his role in the Trump-Russia collusion story. 

Punchbowl News reported Wednesday that the DNC "is parting ways" with Elias over "a number of strategic disagreements, according to sources familiar with the internal deliberations."

Elias was hired in 2015 while at the Perkins Coie law firm to serve as general counsel for the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.

Records show he hired Fusion GPS on behalf of the DNC and the Clinton campaign to create the research that resulted in the now-debunked Steele dossier, opposition research created to smear Republican Donald Trump and his 2016 presidential campaign.

Elias has represented the DNC since 2009 as well as an array of other key Democratic leadership groups and campaign arms, including the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and Democratic Attorneys General Association through his firm, the Elias Law Group.

His law firm was paid over $2 million by the DNC from November 2021 to February 2023, according to Federal Election Commission data.

"The DNC works with a number of law firms on voting rights litigation, compliance, contracting and more," a spokesperson for the group told Punchbowl. "The DNC is appreciative of Elias Law Group's years of work in service of the values we share." 

The Elias Law Group is "proud of the work it has done for the DNC," said a spokesperson for the firm. "We look forward to continuing to represent the Democratic Party as well as helping citizens vote and progressives make change." 

Neither the DNC nor the law firm responded to requests for comment Wednesday by Just the News.

Elias tweeted on Tuesday that his "team is litigating 45 pro-democracy cases in 18 states."

His law group, which he started in 2021, "is the nation's largest law firm focused on representing the Democratic Party, Democratic campaigns, nonprofit organizations, and individuals committed to securing a progressive future," according to its website

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