GOP Rep. Cloud says Justice, FBI putting up 'roadblocks' in efforts to verify voter fraud

"What we've seen is roadblocks when it comes to looking at those items," said Texas GOP Rep. Michael Cloud.

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Published: December 4, 2020 4:21pm

Updated: December 4, 2020 5:17pm

Texas GOP Rep. Michael Cloud on Friday accused the Justice Department of putting up "roadblocks" in President Trump and others' efforts to uncover election fraud.

"There's plenty of evidence there to see, certainly enough evidence to warrant an investigation," Cloud said on Just the News' "Water Cooler" show.

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Rep. Michael Cloud: How much crime is DOJ tolerating now, since it won’t investigate voter fraud allegations?
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To a question from show host David Brody about why neither the Justice Department nor FBI appears to be looking into such matters, Cloud replied: "Some of these accusations are pretty easy to track down if we had the fortitude to do it. … But instead of an interest in this, what we've seen is roadblocks when it comes to looking at those items."  

The exchange follows Attorney General William Barr saying Tuesday that the Justice Department has yet to uncover evidence of voter fraud on a scale sufficient to affect state outcomes in the Nov. 3 presidential election. 

Cloud was cautious about speculating on what federal officials might do but said, "Ultimately, the DOJ could be putting forth search warrants. They could be impounding evidence. There's a lot that they could be doing right now. And it's almost like they're waiting for the evidence to come to them."

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Rep. Michael Cloud: How much crime is DOJ tolerating now, since it won’t investigate voter fraud allegations?
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