Kamala Harris says she'll free ex-aide from secret $35G non-disclosure agreement

Terri Carbaugh reached a deal through which Carbaugh would receive $34,900 if she agreed to leave the department quietly

Published: August 1, 2020 10:42am

Updated: August 1, 2020 11:08am

A senior adviser to Kamala Harris reportedly said that the California senator and top Vice Presidential contender "supports" freeing her former chief deputy, Terri Carbaugh, from a $34,900 non-disclosure agreement over an employment dispute.

"Senator Harris strongly opposes the use of non-disclosure agreements to silence anyone," adviser Sabrina Singh told Business Insider. "She fully supports the release of Terri Carbaugh from this NDA if she chooses."

As the then-Attorney General, Harris instructed the California Department of Justice to pay  her former chief deputy attorney general after a dispute related to Carbaugh's termination in 2011, documents show.

In exchange for agreeing to resign quietly and release any claim of harassment, discrimination or retaliation against the department, Carbaugh received the taxpayer-funded payout and a letter of recommendation penned by Harris.

Harris has previously spoken out against the use of non-disclosure agreements.  In 2018, Harris co-authored a bill to ban employers from requiring workers to sign non-disclosure agreements to get a job.

According to the The Sacramento Bee, a veteran Harris staff member resigned his job in 2018 after following a $400,000 harassment and retaliation settlement resulting from his time working for Harris at the California Department of Justice.

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