Poll: 80% of Democrats think making voting easier is more important than ensuring voter eligibility

Seven out of 10 Republicans stress more emphasis on verifying voter eligibility

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Published: September 9, 2020 11:12am

Updated: September 9, 2020 6:46pm

Roughly 80% of Democratic think that getting as many people as possible into the voting booth is more important than making sure each voter is eligible to cast a ballot, a new Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen shows. 

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About 70% of Republican voters, meanwhile, think the opposite, believing that election authorities should work harder to verify each voter's eligibility. 

Overall, a majority of Americans, 54%, think that making voting easier for everyone is more important, while 41% think that more vigorously enforcing election laws is a higher priority. 

Just the News Poll, Which election law is most important?
Just the News Daily Poll
With Scott Rasmussen


Rasmussen says that independents are more evenly divided on the question than the two major parties, with 49% in favor of easier voting access and 41% in favor of stricter voting rules. 

The survey of 1,200 registered voters was conducted by Rasmussen using a mixed-mode approach from September 3-5, 2020.

To see this poll question's cross-demographic tabulations, click here

To see this poll question's methodology and sample demographics, click here

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