Trafalgar pollster says parts of Republican electorate 'just not getting polled'

Robert Cahaly, the Trafalgar Group's chief pollster, calls that segment of respondents 'unreachable voters.'

Published: October 19, 2022 6:14pm

Updated: October 20, 2022 9:04am

Trafalgar Group chief pollster Robert Cahaly says a lot of Republicans aren't being reached by pollsters.

"I think there's a certain segment of the Republican electorate that's just not getting polled," Cahaly said on the Wednesday edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "There's an important chunk of people that are what I call submerged voters that you cannot get on the phone and you cannot reach them any other way."

According to Cahaly, mainstream polling's numbers have started coming close to the Trafalgar Group's numbers, resulting in some elected officials denying the accuracy of the numbers. 

"We watch in every single state, and we see their mainstream polls start getting closer and closer to ours," Cahaly explained. "I mean, when the mainstream polls are getting so close to ours that Nancy Pelosi is disavowing the mainstream polls, you got to start thinking they're actually getting to the truth."

Cahaly also said that he believes that Arizona Republican gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake may have a shot at being president one day because of her connection with the community. 

"One thing about Kari Lake is she has the ability to reach across the aisle to get supporters," Cahaly stated. "It's not because she has policies that just excite the other side. It's because people have gotten to know her when she was a local broadcaster."

Lake, an avid Trump supporter, had a career in broadcasting for two decades at KSAZ-TV, a television station in Phoenix. 

"She was that local broadcaster who never left town and never moved anywhere else," Cahaly continued. "Kari stayed focused on a community, and so they like her. And a lot of people got to know her before they knew her political ideology."

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