'Truckers won,' Trudeau and Biden lost on COVID, economic policy, says Bill O'Reilly

"The Democratic Party understands that Joe Biden is diminished," the popular TV news host said. "He has lost credibility."

Published: February 15, 2022 2:47pm

Updated: February 15, 2022 10:35pm

In an interview Tuesday on the John Solomon Reports podcast, popular television news host Bill O'Reilly predicted the political demise of President Joe Biden and declared that Canadian Freedom Convoy truckers "won" their battle with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over his sweeping COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

Liberal governnments across the world "basically said," according to O'Reilly, "'Look, we're going to tell you what to do with the COVID. And you're not going to have a voice in it. So we're going to tell you, 'You got to wear masks, you got to get vaccinated, you got to, you know, stand on your hands,' whatever it may be ... And a very significant part of the human population objects.

"And the truckers basically said, 'Look, you're not going to tell me that I got to get four shots or two shots, and, you know, I'm not going to do that. And I'm going to use the power of the truck to shut down a government.' And they did. And they won. Truckers won.

"So little Justin Trudeau, a very weak leader, very liberal man, doesn't really know what to do. And he looks very weak. He'll never be reelected again up there."

Turning to the U.S., O'Reilly predicted the economy will be the biggest issue in the 2022 midterm elections, which will badly hurt Democrats.

"Joe Biden is failing," said the longtime anchor of "The O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News Channel. "And there's no doubt he is. I mean, even his most ardent supporters — they can tell you he's not, but everyone knows he is. Democratic Party does not want him to run again. They're looking around, Hillary Clinton is raising money — although Hillary Clinton now has a lot of trouble with the tapping of the Trump Tower.

"So the Democratic Party understands that Joe Biden is diminished. He has lost credibility. People don't believe that he can solve any problems whatsoever because he has not solved any problems. And so the Democrats are in disarray."

While Biden is still dealing with COVID like Trump had to, he also faces issues like inflation and supply chain disruption that weren't problems for Trump, O'Reilly observed.

"So I do believe that the Democrats are going to get their butt kicked in November, I can't see Biden making a comeback," O'Reilly remarked. "He can't hit the fastball anymore, and when you can't hit the fastball, it's all over."

Noting the media's role in exacerbating U.S. political divisions, O'Reilly suggested the only solution to social media censorship and "big media companies that control the flow of information all over the world, is legislation."

"I hate to say that, because I don't trust the federal government," he continued. "I mean, it just depends on who's there and what they're doing. But you've got to have definitions made by Congress about what you can and can't do in the censorship realm. That has to be put in there."

Big media companies, he argued, should be told that if they take down a post or refuse to run a story, then they would have to file "a reason with the federal government," which would require the creation of a new federal agency.

The federal agency would then review the reason, and say, "'[I]f we don't think that you're being honest, we're gonna fine you a lot of money,'" he explained. "That would rein it in a little bit."

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