Washington Post publishes op-ed calling on Biden, Harris to drop out in 2024

"It is frightening that Biden does not know, or remember, what he recently did regarding an immensely important policy," wrote columnist George Will.

Published: November 2, 2022 9:18pm

Updated: November 3, 2022 3:12pm

The left-wing Washington Post on Wednesday published an op-ed calling for President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to rule themselves out as presidential contenders for the Democratic nomination in 2024.

Pointing to the litany of recent gaffes, columnist George Will said that "Joe Biden should not seek another term." In explaining his position, Will observed moments in which Biden claimed his own son, Beau Biden, had died in Iraq instead of from cancer six years after serving there.

He further took exception to Biden's claim that he had secured congressional passage of student loan forgiveness, which he enacted via executive order and is currently blocked by the courts.

"Biden was not merely again embellishing his achievements," Will wrote. "This is not just another of his verbal fender benders ... There is no less-than-dismaying explanation for his complete confusion. What vote? Who voted?"

"It is frightening that Biden does not know, or remember, what he recently did regarding an immensely important policy," Will continued. "He must be presumed susceptible to future episodes of similar bewilderment. He should leave the public stage on Jan. 20, 2025." That represents the formal end of his four-year term.

Will, known as a conservative intellectual and a harsh critic of Donald Trump, had harsher words for Harris, saying, "Democrats should promptly face that fact, and this one: An Everest of evidence shows that Vice President Harris is starkly unqualified to be considered as his successor."

"Her style betrays a self-satisfied exaggeration of her aptitudes," he continued. "Lacking natural talent, she needs to prepare, but evidently doesn't. Complacency and arrogance make a ruinous compound."

Harris's approval rating is underwater, with an average 37.2% of Americans approving of her compared with 53.0% who do not, according to RealClearPolitics. She is less popular than both Biden, who enjoys a 43.8% approval rating, and former President Donald Trump, who currently stands at 41.0%.

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