Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann

WATCH: As Biden moves left, the Right clings to the filibuster


On the February 2, 2021, 22nd episode of season 2 of Just the News a.m. with Carrie Sheffield:

Segment 1 - David Keene, Editor at large, Washington Times - Biden, even as centrist, moves left with party. Keene believes President Biden is "overreaching" and falling into the traps that presidents before him have been caught in. "Joe Biden was not elected to do the things he's already doing... he was elected to be the unifier," says Keene.

Segment 2 - Bob Woodson, President, the Woodson Center - Woodson says Black mothers are asking for help, saying "everyone is talking about the conditions in our cities, but no one listens to us." Woodson claims these women want more effective policing in their cities, not less of it.

Segment 3 - Antonia Okafor Cover, Spokesperson, Gun Owners of America - Gun owners prepare for anti-firearm legislation from Biden Administration. Filibusters must be kept in order to stop gun control bills, says Cover, especially during times where more people are purchasing guns to make up for the lack of police presence in certain areas.

Segment 4 - Antonia Okafor Cover, Spokesperson, Gun Owners of America - Biden shift of race equity over equality. "We should be focusing on issues like justice, but they're not," says Cover of the Biden administration's focus on race-related issues. "People just want to make issues out of nothing... and put their own agenda into something that was never an issue," she continues.

Segment 5 - Ryan T. Anderson, President EPPC - Conservatives lose winning arguments hiding behind religion. Issues like transgender females in biological female spaces isn't a religious liberty concern, says Anderson, but a "basic human nature and equality" issue instead.