The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Biden's God-less National Day of Prayer Proclamation

In the May 6, 2021 Episode 83 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody:

Segment #1: Pastor Brian Gibson joins David Brody to discuss the Biden Administration's ability to put forth a Godless National Day of Prayer Proclamation.

Segment #2: Watch Executive Director of Women for America First, Kylie Kremer's interview with David Brody to hear more about the new MAGA Fest Event on today's episode of #TheWaterCooler 

Segment #3: Founder of Live Action, Lila Rose, talks to David Brody about her new book called, "Fighting for Life: Becoming a Force for Change in a Wounded World"

Segment #4: POTUS 45 weighs in on New Hampshire election Fraud, Real America's Voice Correspondent, Heather Mullins, is on the case. In fact, she's been on the case for a while. 

Segment #5: The Last Sip: Bye-Bye Columbus! Your holiday has been canceled! 

Segment #6: Joe Weber, JTN News Editor on today's headlines on the Just The News website.