The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Rick Perry on Biden's Energy Crisis Failure: "This is a wake-up call" for U.S

In the May 13, 2021 Episode 88 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody:

Segment #1: Former Governor of Texas and Former U.S. Energy Secretary, Rick Perry talks to David Brody about the Biden Administration's handling of the Energy Crisis. Says it's a "wake up call" for the U.S.

Segment #2: President of Citizens United, David Bossie, on the focus of the GOP Party in the Post Liz Cheney Era. "We're solely focused as a party to winning back the House and Senate in 2022."

Segment #3: Founder of Peaceably Gather, Pastor Brian Gibson talks to David Brody about the Israel-Palestine Conflict. Says, " God favors national Israel."

Segment #4: David Brody goes back in time and re-racks old interviews with Former Vice President Mike Pence and David Friedman.

Segment #5: The Last Sip: MTG vs. AOC

Segment #6: Joseph Weber, News Editor with Just the News on the latest headlines on the JTN Website.