Three Rwandans living in exile in Europe arrested on charges related to 1994 Rwandan genocide

Nearly one million people were killed in the 1994 Rwandan genocide in central African

Published: October 5, 2020 4:26pm

Updated: October 5, 2020 6:51pm

Three Rwandan nationals have been arrested in Belgium for human rights violations in connection with the 1994 Rwandan genocide in central African that killed nearly one million people over 100 days.

Federal prosecutors confirmed on Sunday that the men were arrested last week and are being held under preventative detention, One of the three is at home under police surveillance, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Rwanda’s state media identified the three suspects as Pierre Basabose, Seraphin Twahirwa and Christophe Ndangali, as reported in NewLiveNation.

Basabose is a former soldier, who was indicted in 2015 for his alleged role distributing guns and money to the Interahamwe militia that led the genocide. 

Twahirwa is a former civil servant who was indicted in 2014 for allegedly forming and commanding a 600-strong militia that killed thousands in Rwanda’s central and western provinces. 

Ndangali had worked with the education ministry, and was indicted in 2012 for allegedly patrolling and mounting roadblocks in the killing zones. 

These latest charges add to a growing list of arrests as global manhunts for those involved in the 1994 genocide continues. 

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