Ukraine prepares for counteroffensive in Kherson region

The six month anniversary of the war came on Aug. 24, also Ukrainian Independence Day, and much of Ukraine's southern territory remains in Russian hands

Published: August 29, 2022 3:08pm

Updated: August 29, 2022 4:00pm

Ukrainian forces are reportedly laying the groundwork for a significant counterattack against occupying Russian forces in the Kherson region.

"Ukrainian forces have begun 'shaping' operations in [southern] Ukraine to prepare the battlefield for a significant Ukrainian counteroffensive, two senior US officials briefed on the intel tell me," wrote CNN journalist Jim Sciutto. "US believes the long-anticipated counteroffensive will include air & ground ops."

Sciutto further echoed intelligence reports that the Russian military was fielding undermanned battlefield units and had not yet been able to position significant forces on the frontline near Kherson.

The oblast is situated just north of Crimea and fell to Russian forces early in the war, and reports have emerged that Russia is planning an annexation referendum in the region, a vote that will almost certainly achieve Moscow's desired outcome.

The six month anniversary of the war came on Aug. 24, also Ukrainian Independence Day, and much of Ukraine's southern territory remains in Russian hands.

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