Senator Graham postpones Crossfire Hurricane subpoenas until next week

The senator has called for a 'full discussion' on the matter

Published: June 4, 2020 1:18pm

Updated: June 4, 2020 1:48pm

Citing the need for a "full discussion" on the issue, Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday postponed a crucial vote on subpoena proceedings for numerous Obama administration officials, as part of the Senate Judiciary Committee's inquiry into the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation. 

Graham, the committee chairman, said the panel will "do what this committee needs to do, and we're doing to fight it out and we're going to vote. And we're not going to be done today, so I don't see a resolution this day, if you need to go somewhere go."

He said the committee would "carry this over to next week so we can have a full discussion."

Graham, a South Carolina Republican, later said he had the necessary votes to pass the subpoena measure but that he wanted to allow more time to deliberate on the issue, according to the Hill. 

The decision was part of a tense, at times contentious meeting among committee members

Nebraska GOP Sen. Ben Sasse accused members of "trolling for soundbites" in front of video cameras, while Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin claimed the proceedings were about "a president who just can't get over it," referring to Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI's probe into whether members of the 2016 Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence the outcome of the race.

The meeting Thursday followed a lengthy committee hearing Wednesday in which former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was questioned by members about his involvement in the Trump-Russia investigation.

Rosenstein offered several stunning admissions to the panel, including his acknowledgment that, prior to the launch of the Mueller special council investigation, there was no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.

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