Cornyn announces bid to replace McConnell as Senate GOP leader, vows to fix 'broken' institution

Cornyn served under McConnell as Senate Republican whip from 2013-2019

Published: February 29, 2024 10:49am

Updated: February 29, 2024 10:54am

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, officially announced on Thursday that he is running to replace outgoing Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.

Cornyn served under McConnell as Senate Republican whip from 2013-2019.

"I have learned a lot during my time both in and out of Senate leadership. During my two terms as NSC Chair, we shrunk Democrats' majority by five seats and laid the foundation to retake the majority in 2014. Then as the Republican Whip, I helped President Trump advance his agenda through the Senate, including passing historic tax reform and remaking our judiciary - including two Supreme Court Justices," he said.

"Throughout my time I've built a track record of listening to colleagues and seeking consensus, while leading the fight to stop bad policies that are harmful to our nation and the conservative cause. I believe the Senate is broken - that is not news to anyone. The good news is that it can be fixed, and I intend to play a major role in fixing it," he added.

Cornyn said he is "confident Senate Republicans can restore our institution to the essential role it serves in our constitutional republic."

He vowed to "improve communication, increase transparency, and ensure inclusion of every member's expertise and opinion."

"We will restore the important role of Senate committees and reestablish the regular appropriations process, rather than lurch from one crisis to another. And we will return power back to our members; there will be no more backroom deals or forced votes on bills without adequate time for review, debate, and amendment," he said. "I am ready to get to work and look forward to continuing to engage with my colleagues."

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