Florida congressman to introduce bill targeting transparency for Biden family members

The bill comes just before Hunter Biden's criticized art exhibition.

Published: July 29, 2021 3:03pm

Updated: July 29, 2021 4:27pm

A Florida Republican congressman is set to introduce a bill targeting the President and Vice President, requiring them to provide financial disclosures for their non-dependent children.

GOP Rep. Michael Waltz on Tuesday told Fox News that his soon to be introduced bill, the Preventing Anonymous Income by Necessitating Transparency of Executive Relatives (PAINTER) Act, is an attempt to stop "the obvious and shameless grift that's going on with Hunter Biden's art sales, for which he is obviously not qualified to do and is only doing to continue to profit off of his family name."

Waltz is referring to Hunter Biden's much criticized art exhibitions, where he will display his artwork in Los Angeles and New York this fall. His art is expected to be on sale for prices ranging from $75,000 for works on paper to $500,000 for the larger canvases, amid concern that people would try to buy influence with President Joe Biden through his son's art, according to The New York Post.

"And that's really what this is all about, is just getting some transparency and shining a light on this," Waltz said. "We should know who is backchanneling, backdooring, and buying influence — which Hunter Biden has a long history of selling — to the President of the United States."

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