Cruz says stimulus bill rebates will go to illegal immigrants after Dems shot down his amendment

Cruz proposed an amendment to "ensure that the 2021 Recovery Rebates are not provided to illegal immigrants."

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Published: March 8, 2021 3:38pm

Updated: March 9, 2021 6:32pm

Senate Democrats rejected an amendment to the $1.9 trillion stimulus bill that Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz says now paves the way for illegal immigrants to receive $1,400 stimulus rebates.

"There are 12mm or more illegal immigrants," Cruz tweeted on Sunday. "60% of them are from visa overstays. Many (if not most) of them have social security numbers. Under the bill's language, MILLIONS OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS will get the $1400 checks."

According to the text of the Cruz amendment, "any alien who is not lawfully present" would be ineligible for direct stimulus payments or checks.

Democrats voted against the amendment on Saturday 50-49. The final bill, the American Rescue Plan, passed later in the day.

Under previous coronavirus stimulus bills, some non-citizens residing in the U.S. illegally had received stimulus payments because they had filed tax returns using Social Security numbers. In November, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) admitted foreign nationals were receiving stimulus payments while residing overseas.

Cruz criticized Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin for claiming "illegal immigrants don't have social security numbers."

Cruz said Durbin was "deliberately saying something false, knowing it would be repeated."

Republican Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy proposed an amendment to prevent inmates from receiving stimulus rebates, but Democrats voted against it. 

"EVERY Dem voted to send criminals the $$," Cruz tweeted.

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