Over 50 lawmakers victims of 'swatting' attacks within past month: US Capitol Police chief

According to his comments, the department has just 20 agents to handle the threats.

Published: December 12, 2024 10:02am

Updated: December 12, 2024 10:29am

U.S. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger says over 50 members of Congress just the past month have faced 'swatting' attacks, resulting in 700 investigations. 

Manger made the statement Wednesday during a Senate hearing. 

Swatting is essentially when a person makes a false police report of a danger or violent incident at the home of a foe, resulting in police, frequently as Special Weapons and Tactics, or SWAT units, rushing to the scene, which poses a risk of a shooting or some other potentially dangerous incident. 

There are 100 Senate and 435 House seats in Congress.

Some rank-and-file members of Congress have in recent years increasingly used a private security detail in public amid an increase threat risks. 

Manger also said department has just 20 agents to respond and handle such threats. 

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