Jury finds former government contractor guilty of defrauding FEMA and Georgia litigation company
She was awarded a nearly $156 million contract to give "self-heating meals to the residents of Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria."
A jury found a former governor contractor guilty of defrauding FEMA and a litigation company based in Georgia, according to the Justice Department.
Tiffany Brown was awarded a nearly $156 million contract to give "self-heating meals to the residents of Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria."
She "fraudulently obtaining $700,000 in litigation advances from the Litigation Funding Group of Georgia (“LFG”) by falsely claiming that she had settled with a logistics company who failed to deliver the meals to FEMA," according to DOJ.
“Brown greedily deceived the federal government during a natural disaster to enrich herself,” said Sean Burke, Acting Special Agent in Charge at FBI Atlanta. “The FBI and our partners will aggressively pursue any person who seeks to defraud the government, especially during times of tragedy.”