Rep. James Comer: 'We're investigating Hunter Biden because he's a national security threat'

Rep. Comer said that the media is protecting the Biden family by not asking the tough questions.

Published: October 12, 2022 6:32pm

Updated: October 12, 2022 8:34pm

Kentucky GOP Rep. James Comer says that if Hunter Biden gets indicted, it should be on major charges, and not "small potatoes."

"What we're hearing out of the Washington Post and rumors that we're hearing, what Hunter Biden is going to be indicted on, this is small potatoes," Rep. Comer said on the Wednesday edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show.

"Lying on the gun application, tax evasion, these are things that we've known about for a long time. I don't really care about those things. We're investigating Hunter Biden not to get Hunter Biden. We're investigating Hunter Biden because he's a national security threat."

Rep. Comer said that the media is protecting the Biden family by not asking the tough questions.

"When CNN interviews the president of the United States last night to talk about Hunter Biden, they talk about his gun violation, and they don't mention the millions of dollars that he received from a Chinese energy company, which is now the American version of Enron," he continued.

According to Comer, the Biden family has been using the Biden name to get rich through overseas deals.

"It looks like to me that Hunter Biden and Hunter Biden's Uncle Jim have been profiting off the Biden name," Comer continued. "They've been serving as a lobbyist for foreign countries and for companies that normal Americans wouldn't be allowed to do business with to try to help them navigate the government bureaucracy."

Comer says that if Republicans take the House back, investigating Hunter Biden and his business deals will be one of the main priorities.

"Joe Biden has an America-last energy policy," Comer stated. "That's China first and America last. Why is he doing that? Maybe it's because he's compromised because of his son's shady business dealings. So these are the things that we're going to look into in a Republican majority." 

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