Arizona Governor Ducey signs law to purge infrequent mail-in voters from state early-balloting list

"This bill is simple, it's all about election integrity," Ducey said.

Published: May 12, 2021 9:31am

Updated: May 12, 2021 10:46am

Arizona GOP Gov. Doug Ducey has signed a law to remove infrequent mail-in balloters from a state voter list, saying the effort will further improve election security.

"This bill is simple, it's all about election integrity," Ducey tweeted Tuesday, after signing the measure from the GOP-controlled legislature. 

The law would require county recorders to contact residents if they have not voted for four years. If residents don't respond, they will be permanent removed from an early-voter list.

Ducey made clear those who do not respond will remain a registered voter, can still request an early ballot and show up at polls on election day.

Arizona is among several states – including Florida and Georgia – that have either enacted or attempted to enact voting-reform laws.

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