New York's Cuomo asks federal government to take over coronavirus response

'We're savaging other states'

Published: March 22, 2020 11:10am

Updated: March 22, 2020 11:37am

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Sunday called on the federal government to take over the country's response to the spread of the deadly coronavirus, arguing the existing state-by-state methods has resulted in a shortage of critical medical supplies and skyrocketing prices for them. 

"We are competing against other states in some cases," said Cuomo, in what has become the governor's daily, nationally televised update. "We're savaging other states."

New York has been the hardest hit state, with 76 virus-related deaths. 

Cuomo also called on President Trump to use the powers of the Defense Production Act, which he put into effect last week, to make U.S. manufactures switch to making masks, ventilators and other much needed medical equipment. 

"If we don't we'll lose lives," he said.

The governor estimates the state needs 30,00 ventilators. 






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