Ahead of State of Union, confidence in Biden plummets while GOP fortunes rise

President’s approval falls to new low of 37%, poll finds.

Published: February 27, 2022 8:40am

Updated: February 27, 2022 8:46am


Ahead of his first State of the Union, Joe Biden is seeing his approval among Americans plummet to the lowest level of his presidency while Republican fortunes for capturing Congress are rising. 

A Washington Post-ABC News poll released Sunday showed Biden’s approval fell to 37%, the lowest rating since he took office in January. The decline comes as his administration deals with rising inflation and crime, fallout from his open borders policy and the Ukraine crisis.

The poll held numerous warning signs for the Democrat president, with 55% saying they disapprove and 44% strongly disapproving. Dissatisfaction among independent voters rose to 61%. 

Meanwhile, voter preference for Republicans in the November election that will decide control of Congress is rising.

“Asked whether they would prefer the next Congress to be in the hands of Republicans acting as a check against the president or in Democratic hands to support Biden’s priorities, 50 percent of adults say they would rather have Republicans in charge on Capitol Hill while 40 percent prefer the Democrats,” the Post reported.

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