Mike Pence: 'There were irregularities' in 2020 election, feels he made right decision Jan. 6

"I know in my heart of hearts that on that day, we did our duty, under the Constitution," former VP tells CBN's David Brody.

Published: December 1, 2021 10:06pm

Updated: December 1, 2021 10:43pm

Former Vice President Mike Pence said he believes "there were irregularities" in the 2020 election, but felt that his decision to not overturn the results was part of his "oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States."

In an interview partially released Wednesday with CBN’s David Brody, Pence would not say that the election was "rigged" or "stolen," but said, "I believe there were irregularities about which I was concerned, and I wanted them to have a fair hearing before the Congress."

While some in the conservative movement are angry at Pence for not voting to overturn the results of the election, the former VP said, "I've been very moved at the level of support that I’ve been met with."

"Ours is a movement that cherishes the Constitution," Pence stated, believing that he performed his constitutional duties as Vice President on Jan. 6 – a day he calls "tragic."

"From the founding of this nation forward, it's been well established that elections are to be governed at the state level and that the only role that Congress has is to open and count the electoral votes that are submitted by states across the country," Pence explained.

"I know in my heart of hearts that on that day, we did our duty, under the Constitution," Pence, who is an attorney by trade, said. "I don't know if President Trump and I will ever see eye to eye on that day – or that many of our most ardent supporters will agree with my decision that day – but I know I did the right thing."

"The last thing you would ever want is for our elections to be managed in Washington, D.C.," he added.

Focusing on the future, Pence said, "I'm not going to let the Democrats or the national media to use one tragic day in January to demean the intentions of 76 million people who stood with us in our cause. I'm not going to allow the Democrats to use one tragic day in January to distract attention from their failed agenda and failed policies in the Biden administration."

The former VP reiterated the need for greater election integrity. "I think it's extremely important in the days ahead that we continue this movement to pass election reforms," he said.

Pence also would not rule out a 2024 presidential run. 

"I will tell you that for right now, my focus is entirely on doing everything in my power to support the conservative cause and win back Congress and statehouses all across this country in 2022. We’ll let the future take care of itself after that," he stated.

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