Trump thinks Secret Service aware who left cocaine at White House, 'They know who this was'

Former President Donald Trump said this based on his personal knowledge of the security of the White House and skill of the Secret Service

Published: July 17, 2023 11:42am

Former President Donald Trump says the Secret Service knows whose cocaine was recently found at the White House.

Trump made the comment of the Fox News Channel's "Sunday Futures" a few days after the Secret Service said it has closed the brief investigation into to the matter without a suspect.

Investigators reportedly had no DNA or fingerprints amid the possible 500 staffers and visitors that could have been possible suspects.

"Do you know how many cameras they have opposite the front door of the Situation Room where these drugs were" found, Trump said. "They know who this was. They know the person. It’s impossible, how can they not know the person."

There is disagreement in reports of where exactly the cocaine was found in the White House, first it was said to be in the West Wing lobby but later it was reportedly in the Executive entrance

"I’ve gotten to know the Secret Service really well," Trump also said. "And I believe that they know everything. They’re really smart and really good at what they do. And I don’t think it’s possible for bags of cocaine to be left in a certain area – by the Situation Room. I’m not talking about, you know, five blocks away. The Situation Room where you decide on war."

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