Pro-Israel advocates assaulted during demonstration near Met Gala in New York City, videos show

The identities of the victims, as well as their status, are unclear.

Published: May 7, 2024 12:29pm

Updated: May 7, 2024 12:31pm

A massive anti-Israel protest targeting the Met Gala in New York City was marred by the assault of at least two people, the vandalism of a World War I memorial and the burning of an American flag, videos show.

More than 1,000 people marched as part of Monday's "Day of Rage for Gaza," per The New York Post. The group intended to march toward the Met, but dozens of police officers formed a line to prevent them from making it to their destination. 

Video shows a protester taking a scarf traditionally worn by Jews known as a sudra off the head of a man at the protest. This sudra featured the Star of David pattern. When he attempted to pull the sudra back and run away, multiple demonstrators descended upon him and threw punches, per the video, which was shared by the nonprofit organization known as the Jew Hate Database. 

Another video shows a man singing, "Am Yisrael chai," which is Hebrew for "The people of Israel live," as demonstrators chant, "We don't want no Zionists here." Video shows one person assaulting the man before a crowd descends upon him. 

The identities of the victims, as well as their status, are unclear.

Pictures and videos from the demonstration also show that the World War I memorial in Central Park was vandalized with messages such as "Free Gaza." Protesters also burned an American flag in front of the memorial, video shows.

At least 27 people were arrested in connection to the demonstration.

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