Florida Gov. DeSantis opens CPAC slamming 'failed Republican establishment of yesteryear'

DeSantis calls Florida an "oasis of freedom" at CPAC.

Published: February 26, 2021 8:13am

Updated: February 27, 2021 11:09pm

Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis kicked off CPAC on Friday slamming the "failed Republican establishment of yesteryear."

"Now, Florida's leading on the issues that matter to conservatives, we don't spout hollow rhetoric, we take decisive action," DeSantis said on the opening day of the annual gathering of conservatives. "And what's true in Florida it's true for conservatives across the nation. We cannot, woe will not go back to the days of the failed Republican establishment of yesteryear."

The event is being held this year in DeSantis' home state, in the city of Orlando.

DeSantis is a rising star inside GOP ranks. He was elected as governor in 2019 and has overseen the state's response to the COVID pandemic, having balanced keeping virus numbers down while avoiding a shutdown of schools and businesses.

DeSantis was the first speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference, whose theme this year is "America Uncanceled."

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