Mary Margaret Olohan says activists, doctors use manipulative language to get kids to transition

"They're trusting medical professionals and that trust has been betrayed," Olohan said.

Published: May 14, 2024 6:56pm

Senior reporter at The Daily Signal, Mary Margaret Olohan, said Tuesday that doctors and political activists use manipulative language to get minors to transition genders and undergo major hormone treatments or surgeries. 

"These activists and these doctors manipulate this language, they play on the sympathies of parents who are not super politically well-versed," Olohan said on the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "Maybe they're secular. They're not particularly attached to a religion. They're looking for answers when they have no idea what this topic is and they're trusting medical professionals, and that trust has been betrayed. So I have deep empathy for many of these parents."

She added that while there are some narcissistic parents who push their kids to become transgender, many of them have been lied to by the medical industry. 

"Every single de-transitioner in my book has told me that their parents were told this line, 'Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living son?'" Olohan said. 

Olohan has an upcoming book about individuals who transitioned from female to male or male to female titled, "DeTrans: True Stories of Escaping the Gender Ideology Cult."

"I think there is an attempt here to normalize and to glorify something that is very abhorrent to most people," she added. 

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