Hannity slams liberal embrace of socialism: 'That is a price way too high to pay'

Hannity said that the United States 'has advanced the human condition more than any other governmental system designed by man.'

Published: August 12, 2020 8:32pm

Updated: August 13, 2020 9:58am

Conservative radio and television personality Sean Hannity during an interview on the John Solomon Reports podcast praised the American system of governance as the greatest ever devised by humans.

The author of the new book "Live Free Or Die: America (and the World) on the Brink" said that while the United States is not perfect, it "has advanced the human condition more than any other governmental system designed by man," due to "freedom, liberty, capitalism, risk, reward, hard work [and] initiative."

Hannity said that socialism would ruin the American system and cost people their liberty.

The conservative pundit said that "promises are made, they're never kept, they're unfulfilled, and you lose freedoms, you lose opportunity, and we will destroy the greatest governmental system ... that God gave man. And with it we will give up our freedoms in the name of false security. That is a price way too high to pay. That's the 'or die' part of the book. Live free, follow America's principles, or die," he said.

The ardent Trump supporter blasted Democratic policy proposals during the interview.

"You don't need an MIT, mathematics or engineering degree to know that all those promises, everything's free, OK, $94 trillion New Green Deal, 10 years while simultaneously eliminating oil, gas, and coal, the lifeblood of the world's economy — you don't need an MIT or Harvard degree to figure out, that ain't gonna work," he said.

WATCH - The Full Interview Here: 

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