Bauer and Rose: STUNNING; How the US tried to make sure Iran’s set-piece missile attack against Israel protect it from an Israeli response

Missile launch, Tehran, Iran, May 7, 2023

On this episode, Gary Bauer and Tom Rose discuss Biden's shielding of Iran while shackling Israel. They issue a correction to the mainstream media's narrative, clarifying that Israel's recent strike in Damascus targeted IRGC terrorists, not Iranian diplomatic sites. The duo dissects the media's misrepresentation and the international community's misplaced outrage, juxtaposing it with Iran's history of embassy bombings.

Gary and Tom explore the alarming signs of covert U.S. involvement in Iran's sophisticated missile and drone attack on Israel. They question the Biden administration's motives, suggesting it may have orchestrated the timing and nature of the attack to simultaneously appease both pro- and anti-Israel factions within the Democratic Party, all while projecting an image of strength and control.

Later, they discuss the cheering of Iranian aggression in Chicago and the deafening silence from Democratic leaders on chants of "Death to America" in Dearborn. They condemn the administration's failure to unequivocally denounce these sentiments and the dangerous implications of such inaction.

Also, Tom and Gary examine the perilous state of Israel's security, arguing that a substantial Israeli response to Iran's aggression is not only expected but necessary. They critique the Biden administration's pressure on Israel to show restraint, warning that this appeasement only emboldens Iran and jeopardizes the stability of the entire region.

Finally, Gary and Tom cast a critical eye on the upcoming legal battles against former President Trump, branding the proceedings as a political witch hunt with the potential to further divide the nation. They express concern over the precedent these trials could set and the chilling effect they may have on American democracy.

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