Dennis Prager: US use to be source of good ideas for world, now exporting pernicious 'woke garbage'

Transgender child, June 30, 2019, New York City

Dennis Prager, founder of Prager U, discusses the “pernicious,” “woke garbage” being exported from the United States. The conservative thoughtleader says, "America is for the first time in its history, and there were so many firsts in American history, we are exporting pernicious ideas. America was the source of sending out good ideas for all of its history, it is now sending out worse ideas.” Saying that it is not the European socialist abyss that is exporting the ideas anymore, saying "they don't send these ideas out from France, or Germany, or Denmark, it's out from America, and it starts at the universities, then it goes to California, then it goes to the world.” Commenting that with "having said all these things, every one of which is valid and true, fortunately, we are also the home of the only organized conservative opposition to evil in the world. So you have the most productive left in America and you also have the most productive right in America, and we are in a civil war. I wrote this 20 years ago, I hope pray it stays nonviolent. Nevertheless, it is a civil war. The the North and South had more in common during the civil war than the right and left, we have nothing in common, I share nothing with leftists. If they say it is raining, my assumption is it's sunny."

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