McCarthy speaker fight proves model works, expanding into state legislatures says State Freedom Caucus Leader

House Freedom Caucus chair Andy Biggs, R-Ariz.

Andy Roth, President of State Freedom Caucus discussed the House Freedom Caucus expanding into State legislatures because, “there is a problem occurring in the 50 states, because there are 50 swamps, not just DC.” Roth comments, that Gary seeing that this was a nationwide problem, they decided to take House Freedom Caucus model, since it works, “as we saw earlier this month when they flop McCarthy on the speaker fight. So we decided that let's just take that business model and push it down into the states. So a little bit over a year ago, we launched our first one, the Georgia Freedom Caucus, and since then we've since rolled out nine more. And it's includes South Carolina, Mississippi, a lot of the Mountain West states, and even some blue states like Illinois. And our hope is that eventually we'll get into all 50 states because you know, DC is very good at meddling in our affairs, but even their long tentacles don't necessarily get involved in certain issues.” The Leader of the movement comments, many of the current fights like, “school choice, abortion is now at the state level, CRT in our classrooms, election Integrity, there's a long list of things that go on and on, all of the crony capitalism that occurs with regulations, spending and taxes are at the state level and it's occurring in the dark. Because think about it, most people don't know who their state rep is or their state senator, and the media attention isn’t focused on all the bills that go through the state capitals, there's very little attention to it. And if there is attention, I doubt that there's been fair reporting, occurring. And so all of these things work against conservatives. And so we believe that the antidote is more freedom caucuses. At the state level.” Saying, “that is what the fight is over, transparency and honesty about what government is actually doing.”

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