NGO’s trafficking illegal migrants around US, providing documents to bypass TSA, local laws, says Ex Border Patrol Commissioner

U.S.-Mexico border

Mark Morgan, Former Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner, gives his reaction to recent documents obtained exclusively by Just the News, showing that NGO’s are working with the Biden administration to move illegal aliens from the border into the every state in the US. The documents obtained show that NGO’s provide illegal migrants with papers to show TSA at the airports, saying to let them through without proper papers or any form of identification. Morgan reacts saying that it is ‘a joke’, to say that ‘illegal aliens are being vetted’. ‘There is no way that that aliens from 150 different countries’, totaling ‘1.7 million’ people, ‘mostly in 10 months’ could have been properly vetted. Stating that this should be ‘alarming to every American citizen’. 

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