Rep. Austin Scott: Biden public rebuke of SCOTUS on student debt program after deal with GOP is effort ‘to mislead’

Joe Biden, July 10, 2023, London, England

Rep. Austin Scott slams President Biden and U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona over its public rebuke today of the Supreme Court’s decision to rule student loans debt forgiveness program unconstitutional in after the Education Department sent out a letter to all student loan recipients across the country. The Georgia Congressman says the Biden administration’s actions show, “a lack of respect for our country in general, and what people don't talk about enough, it's the fact that our forefathers didn't necessarily really know how to govern as much as they is they knew that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. And that's why they gave us the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial branch of government.” Scott continuing to say that, “even Speaker Pelosi said that Joe Biden didn't have the authority to do the things that he did with the student loan forgiveness. And now, for Biden to go out and agree to cancel the student loan debt relief, even before the court ruling came out, in the debt limit agreement [with Republicans], and to turn around and do this, is just proof that there's a there's an intent to mislead from the administration, as much as there is a lack of respect for the Supreme Court. Because Biden and Secretary Cardona knows that Biden agreed to terminate the student debt relief program.” Scott says Republicans in Congress “believed all along it was unconstitutional, even Pelosi thought it was unconstitutional, the courts ruled it is unconstitutional. And now [Biden] turns around and says, ‘well, we're going to try to find a workaround to the court’.” Scott says that most important fact that will have long term impact on bipartisan negioations is that President Biden, “agreed to do away with student loan debt relief as part of the debt limit agreement that was passed just a few months ago. So who do the Republicans have to shake hands with? And the answer is nobody. People criticize us for not being able to get to agreements. But once you shake someone's hand and they don't do what they tell you they're gonna do.”

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