Revelations of gov’t colluding with social media, journalists to block content is definition of ‘economic facism,’ Media Watchdog

Facebook censorship protestor

Adam Guillette, President of Accuracy in Media, discusses AIM’s recent undercover investigation into school districts in Ohio, and free speech being under attack in America. Guillette comments that  it is an “incredibly dangerous time” for free speech “because you have this collusion of ‘journalists’ or social media sites and government, which by the way, ironically, is literally the definition of, of fascism. Economic fascism, is where businesses are technically privately owned. But the government tells them what to produce, how much of it to produce what to sell? Well, that's exactly what we've had with these social media sites like Facebook, where it wasn't ‘technically’ the government suppressing people. They just called up their buddies and their allies at Facebook and said, ‘these are the things that we need you to block,’ that's economic fascism. That's literally the definition of fascism, Where is Antifa on this one? You think they're gonna go and bust up Mark Zuckerberg house, probably not. They're busy burning down courthouses in Portland, Oregon. But that's literally the definition of fascism. And think about how dangerous it is for society, when the truth can't get out a story as big as the cause of COVID. And they suppressed what now appears to be the most likely cause of COVID, for being discussed on social media platforms. It's as if they rewrote the printing press with the creation of social media, but now they want to entirely control what can be printed.”

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