Sen. Tuberville calls for pulling all US funding of UN after failure to pass resolution condemning Hamas attack

A body bag lies in front a destroyed building after Hamas launched Operation Al-Aqsa Flood in Israel on October 11, 2023.

U.S. Senator for Alabama Tommy Tuberville calls for the withdrawing of all U.S. funding from the United Nations after the international body declined to pass a resolution condemning Hamas attack on Israeli civilians. Tuberville says the U.N. Is more “on the lines of the Joe Biden administration, one world government, they can’t pass anything for human rights, they have people on the Human Rights Committees that get an opportunity to vote that have no Guam rights, so the U.N. Is out of date and it’s non-productive, it does nothing for the world, much less the United States of America.” Commenting, that the bottom line is “the U.N. needs to be either revamped or closed down and we've got a lot of money [in it], we basically pay for the U.N., and they do nothing for the United States of America.”

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