Americans overwhelmingly oppose military seizure of Greenland: Poll
Americans decidedly opposed the acquisition of Mexico, with 69% disapproving of such a move.
President-elect Donald Trump's suggestion that the United States annex Greenland has met with a lukewarm reception among American voters, who overwhelmingly oppose a military operation with that aim.
Seventy-six percent of registered voters in a recent Napolitan News Service survey either "somewhat" or "strongly" opposed sending troops to take the island by force. In total, approved while 8% were unsure.
More abstractly, 37% either somewhat or strongly favored the acquisition of Greenland while 41% opposed it. Twenty-one percent were unsure.
Should Greenlanders want to join the U.S., however, a slight majority of 51% expressed at least some support for permitting them to join the country.
Support for taking the Panama Canal was more mixed, with 40% supporting it to 41% opposing such a move and 19% unsure.
Americans decidedly opposed the acquisition of Mexico, with 69% disapproving of such a move. Support for acquiring Canada should the country oppose integration was also low, with 61% opposing its acquisition.
Conducted Jan. 13-14, the survey questioned 1,000 registered voters and has a margin of error of +/- 3.1%.