University social justice math workshop violates Maryland state code, GOP candidate alleges
Towson University workshop is training math teachers how to incorporate LGBTQ+ ideology through mathematics.
A university workshop training math teachers how to incorporate LGBTQ+ ideology through mathematics violates the Code of Maryland Regulations, alleges the state's Republican candidate for lieutenant governor.
The Math4SocialJustice (Math4SJ) workshop is a "professional learning workshop that prepares participating teachers to engage their students in social justice issues through four student-centered lessons that focus on topics including politics, identity, and community," announces a flyer from Towson University's Center for STEM Excellence. "Over the course of five sessions, participants will engage in these lessons as learners, share ideas with colleagues, and reflect on their own learning. Participants will leave the workshop with increased confidence in incorporating social justice issues into their classroom curriculum."
The workshop is available to 6th-9th grade math teachers in Maryland, and participants receive a $150 stipend, according to the Math4Justice Flyer.
Maryland GOP candidate for lieutenant governor Gordana Schifanelli claims the workshop violated the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR).
"It infringes into dignity of the family unit and violates customary community sensibilities and denigrates the traditional family unit," Schifanelli said in an interview with Just the News. "Maryland Health Curriculum promotes concepts like gender fluidity and promotes student “gender transition” and body shaming and providing solutions through “sex change” and “body mutilation."
Under COMAR section 2.e.i, "The local school system shall establish policies, guidelines, and/or procedures for student opt-out regarding instruction related to family life and human sexuality objectives."
COMAR section 2.g states: "When teaching concepts and skills related to family life and human sexuality, in addition to general teacher preparation, teachers are required to have additional preparation in content and teaching methods of such depth and duration as to be appropriate for the material taught. The additional preparation may be provided by college courses, local in-service programs, and/or State workshops."
"In short — Maryland Health Curriculum has moved into Math and you cannot opt out of math," Schifanelli tweeted on Friday. "Dumbing down of our children continues."
The workshop's goal is to "Adapt Math Tasks to Be More Inclusive of the LGBTQ+ Community," according to one of the assignments.
As of now, Towson University has not responded for comment.