GOP won legal curbs on 2020 election issues, but slow to answer plan to tilt 2022 playing field

Democrats are weaponizing federal government to engineer a "two-tiered election system" that optimizes Democrat votes while depressing GOP turnout, warns a conservative election watchdog.

Published: October 4, 2022 4:11pm

Updated: October 6, 2022 11:23pm

In response to Republican legal challenges, courts have curbed some of the worst usurpations of state legislative authority over elections in 2020, says conservative election watchdog Phill Kline, but the right, he cautions, has failed to anticipate and counter a reconfigured alliance of the federal government, Big Tech and Democrat-friendly nonprofits to microtarget and turn out Democrat voters in 2022.

"[T]ruthfully, if you review all the litigation, it refutes the narrative of mainstream media that Trump allies filed all these lawsuits and lost," Phill Kline, founder of the Amistad Project, told the John Solomon Reports podcast. "No, many of those substantive lawsuits are won — they're just won well after the election to prevent things from happening again that happened in 2020.

"And you mentioned two of them. In Wisconsin, for example, the law hasn't changed as it relates to [ballot] drop boxes. It's just that the Wisconsin Supreme Court finally looked at the law and says, 'You know what? It clearly indicates there's no such thing as drop boxes, it clearly indicates you can't ballot harvest.

"So those types of court decisions really have been on the side of conservatives. And we didn't file as many lawsuits as the left in trying to change the election. We filed lawsuits trying to change how [the left] unilaterally ignored state law. And those are now bearing some fruit." 

In states such as Wisconsin, "The courts have done a great job of pointing out the obvious," Kline said.

Since public exposure of the unprecedented funneling of hundreds of millions of dollars donated by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg through left-leaning nonprofits to boost turnout in Democratic strongholds in key states in 2020, many states have banned such funds, known colloquially as "Zuckerbucks." However, Kline fears, Democrats have adapted to the new restrictions by simply having the federal government assume financial responsibility for a similar effort to sway the 2022 election, while Republicans have failed to make corresponding countermoves.

"I would say that there's a reflection, that there's a concern now about private money in elections," Kline acknowledged. "But the problem is, the Biden administration is still using nonprofits, and they're using tax dollars now to influence election policy. And we don't have the right laws and policy nor Congress involved to prevent that from happening. So it's going to happen again."

Through a March 2021 executive order, Biden has mobilized a coalition of the federal government, Big Tech and Democrat-friendly nonprofits to microtarget and turn out Democrat voters in 2022, Kline warns.

"Biden is now incentivizing agencies and nonprofits to work together to turn out a specific profile of voter using your taxpayer dollars — and that's the problem," he explained. "It's not a problem if government works on get out the vote — you know, government ought to do that, but it needs to to do so objectively, without getting into the detail of the profile of the voter.

"Look, what we have today is some of the most sophisticated technology in the world that tracks everything you do — every breath you take, everything you buy — and it's all wrapped into apps on your cell phone. So political parties use that information to identify voters who will likely vote for them based on their behavior. That's called targeting and geofencing.

"Well now, government and the Biden administration are using it, and Big Tech ... and you have the nonprofits involved as well — Biden's moving a lot of federal grants to these nonprofits — so it's taxpayer money rather than Zuckerberg money. It's your dollars, and they are doing the same type of targeting, using government agencies to identify a particular strain of voter that's likely to vote Democrat.

The White House Domestic Policy Council did not respond to a recent request for comment on the "Promoting Access to Voting" executive order.

"If you want to undermine election integrity," said Kline, "if you want American faith in elections to fall below the floor it's at right now — and we're in the lower third of nations in the world and have been there for some time ... our faith in elections is plummeting — if you want to destroy it, you make government a partisan player. And Biden is now on the team to do that, and that is a severe threat to this country.

"That's what [Biden] should have been talking about in front of Independence Hall: how we're going to bring Americans together on a bipartisan basis to make sure elections are fair, inclusive and accountable. But no, he's making them opaque, unaccountable, and it's this government-nonprofit-private sector partnership that is dramatically influencing, and in many ways actually running, our elections."

For all the Biden rhetoric about alleged Republican "voter suppression" efforts, what Democrats effectively created in 2020, under the guise of pandemic safety, was a two-tiered electoral system to optimize Democrat voting while suppressing the Republican vote, argues Kline.

"It's quite remarkable, because what we see now, with the use of COVID in 2020, is the vote was suppressed in the manner in which traditional Republicans would vote," Kline explained. "Left-leaning governors closed in-person polling places while they littered thousands of drop boxes in Democrat strongholds, hired, or actually Zuckerberg hired, but hired ballot harvesters, or people they called 'voter navigators,' against the law to go get those ballots in those Democrat strongholds, and then it made it more difficult in Republican strongholds for people to get to the polls."

The disparities amount to "a two-tiered election system," said Kline "where people cure your ballot, which is illegal in many states, but will cure your ballot if you're going to likely vote the right way. If you're in a Democrat stronghold, we'll have a drop box on every corner, we'll have people come by and pick up your ballot." 

If, on the other hand, "you're in a Republican stronghold," Kline continued, "if there's some type of emergency, you can't go outside, or don't have drop boxes, we don't cure ballots, and we have no harvesters."

The repercussions from most Americans losing confidence in U.S. elections would be "unthinkable," Kline told Just the News in an interview last Thursday. The solution is for "adult members of both parties stop the circular firing squad and fight for common ground and recognize what is a fair, inclusive, and accountable election," he said.

Unfortunately, he fears, "No one's willing to do that."


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