Trump personal lawyer Giuliani says Republicans need to take responsibility for a 'lawful election'
The former New York City mayor also said the election will likely be decided in court
Trump personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani says the "game plan" for the 2020 presidential contest is to make it is "a lawful election."
Giuliani, former New York City mayor, told "The Water Cooler" host David Brody on Friday that the General Election will be "decided fairly and squarely in court, because it has to be."
Giuliani alluded multiple times to the Democratic Party attempting to steal the election through various forms of voter fraud.
He described one situation in which pro-Democrat children get a hold of the ballots of their conservative parents, then vote with them.
He also argued that the integrity of the U.S. election system is being compromised by ballot harvesting, ballots being destroyed by postal workers and a general disinterest by the mainstream media to cover the issue.
"They like to say they there's no voter issue," said Giuliani, referring to the New York Times and others. "That's like the CNN reporter standing in front of the riots in Portland, and people are getting shot in the back and he says, 'This is a peaceful riot today, a peaceful protest.' "