Trump wins Michigan GOP convention after winning the primary earlier in the week

Earlier in the day Trump won the Missouri caucuses, and he is also expected to win the Idaho caucuses later in the day.

Published: March 2, 2024 2:18pm

Former President Trump is projected to win the Michigan Republican convention on Saturday after having won the state’s GOP primary on Tuesday of this week.

Earlier in the day Trump won the Missouri caucuses, and he is also expected to win the Idaho caucuses later in the day. The results for Michigan are from Decision Desk HQ (DDHQ), according to The Hill .

“The numbers deliver another, albeit expected, blow to rival Nikki Haley, who has pledged to stay in the race despite the fact that she has not won any of the early Republican nominating contests,” according to the outlet.

DDHQ estimated that Trump won 33 delegates in the GOP convention, with six delegates still up for grabs.

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