Marjorie Taylor Greene rails against Johnson's 'total surrender' to the Democrats

"As a matter of fact, if we win the House this fall, it will only be because President Trump is on the ballot, not because we have earned it," she said.

Published: April 9, 2024 4:24pm

Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Tuesday circulated a letter to her fellow House Republicans in which she excoriated the record of House Speaker Mike Johnson and defended her push to remove him from leadership of the lower chamber.

Greene in late March filed a motion to vacate the speaker's chair and remove Johnson after the passage of a budget "minibus" to avert a government shutdown.

"We elected Mike Johnson in late October after three-and-a-half difficult weeks trying to decide on a new Speaker of the House. Mike Johnson sent us all a letter making his promises to us as to what type of Speaker he would be and outlining his plans going forward," she said in the letter. "Mike Johnson has unfortunately not lived up to a single one of his self-imposed tenets. "

She then specifically highlighted Johnson's decision not to permit lawmakers three days to review the legislation and his reliance on Democrats to pass the legislation. She further criticized his decisions to pass continuing resolutions rather than complete the annual appropriations process.

"Speaker Johnson's omnibus did nothing to stop Biden's deadly border invasion—it fully funded it," Greene went on. "It did nothing to stop the energy-killing Green New Deal climate agenda—it fully funded it. It did nothing to stop the weaponized DOJ and FBI—it fully funded it. It did nothing to stop the trans agenda on kids—it fully funded it. It did nothing to stop abortion—it fully funded FULL-TERM abortion clinics, and so much more."

"Even with our razor-thin Republican majority, we could have at least secured the border, with it being the number one issue in the country and being the issue that is causing Biden to lose in poll after poll," she declared. "This came on the heels of Laken Riley being brutally murdered, women and children being raped by illegal alien monsters, and our own Border Patrol and Texas National Guard being run over by hordes of military-aged illegals. Great legislation like H.R. 2 and the Laken Riley Act are only messaging bills unless we fight to enforce them in our government funding bills."

"With so much at stake for our future and the future of our children, I will not tolerate this type of Republican 'leadership,'" she asserted. "This has been a complete and total surrender to, if not complete and total lockstep with, the Democrats’ agenda that has angered our Republican base so much and given them very little reason to vote for a Republican House majority. As a matter of fact, if we win the House this fall, it will only be because President Trump is on the ballot, not because we have earned it."

Ben Whedon is an editor and reporter for Just the News. Follow him on X, formerly Twitter.

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