U.S. voters' opinion split on Justice Department, FBI, poll

Thoughts on the FBI and Justice Department change dramatically when results are broken down by political ideology.

Published: August 25, 2022 2:17pm

Updated: August 25, 2022 5:16pm

Likely U.S. voters are roughly split in their opinions on the Justice Department and the FBI following the recent raid on former President Trump's Florida home, according to a poll release Friday.

The poll-survey by the Trafalgar Group/Convention of States Action shows 46.6% of likely general election voters think the department and the FBI should "be respected for their pursuit of justice and law and order." Roughly 46% agreed with the statement the agencies are "too political, corrupt, and not to be trusted."

Responses differed significantly when broken down by political parties.

Nearly three-out-of four Democrats (73.7%) think the agencies should be respected while just under one-fifth (19.9%) said the agencies are "too political" and should not be trusted.

About one-in-four Republicans (24.7%) say the department and the FBI should be respected, while 68.3% said the agencies should not be trusted. 

The FBI is under the jurisdiction of the department.

The poll was conducted Aug. 19-23 among 1,092 likely general election voters with a margin of error of 2.9%. 

"In their fervor to go after Donald Trump, federal authorities have completely undermined their credibility and trust with a growing segment of Americans," said Convention of States President Mark Meckler.

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