The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene: Would Love to See President Trump as Speaker of the House

In the June 8, 2021 Episode 105 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody:

Segment #1: Congresswoman Marjoire Taylor Greene (R-G.A.) tells David Brody that she would love to see Donald Trump become House Speaker & then proceed to impeach Joe Biden & Kamala Harris. "Then we could move Donald J Trump right back in the White House." 

Segment #2: Ralph Reed, founder and chairman of the Faith and Freedom coalition says he’s optimistic about the future of the GOP because millennials care more about pro-life issues than baby boomers.

Segment #3: Teresa Mull, editor of gunpowder magazine, talks to David Brody about a federal judge’s 94-page dismantling of the assault weapon ban and the “media propaganda,” surrounding it.

Segment #4: Mallory Quigley, Vice President of Communications at Susan B Anthony List, talks about how President Biden’s stance on abortion has flip-flopped over the years, including how he recently chose to eliminate pro-life language from his federal budget.

Segment #5: Host David Brody says he thinks politics should stay out of fast-food and sports, after Burger King declares war against Chick-fil-A.

Segment #6: Anna Perez from Real America’s Voice talks to David Brody about New Hampshire Republicans pushing for a bill that prohibits teachers from teaching about Critical Race Theory and systemic racism, among other things.