Rep. Meeks' New York home vandalized with pro-Palestinian slogans

The House Democrat's home in Queens was smeared with phrases such as “Free Palestine,” “war criminal,” and that the congressman had “blood on [his] hands."

Published: June 24, 2024 3:52pm

New York Democrat Rep. Gregory Meeks' home was vandalized pro-Palestinian protesters on Sunday, days after it was revealed that the congressman helped approve an $18 billion arms deal for Israel.

Meeks, who is the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs committee, was one of two Democratic holdouts to okay a major arms deal from the Biden administration last week. Sen. Ben Cardin from Maryland was the other holdout, who signed off after an approvals process, per CNN.

The House Democrat's home in Queens was smeared with phrases such as “Free Palestine,” “war criminal,” and that the congressman had “blood on [his] hands," according to the New York Post. The phrases were written in chalk on the sidewalk, the driveway, and on posters.

“Some people scribbled graffiti on the house and left,” one source told the outlet.

The vandalism comes despite Meeks' hesitancy to support Israel in its war with Hamas. 

“I have been in close touch with the White House and (National Security Council) about this and other arms cases for Israel and have repeatedly urged the administration to continue pushing Israel to make significant and concrete improvements on all fronts when it comes to humanitarian efforts and limiting civilian casualties,” Meeks told CNN last week. “I continue to support the administration’s pause on certain munitions transfers due to concerns about ongoing civilian casualties in Gaza.”

Meeks also noted that the weapons in the arms deal, which includes the sale of F-15s fighter jets, would not go to Israel for years, the Washington Post reported..

The New York Police Department confirmed the vandalism at the Democrat's address and said it is investigating an act of criminal mischief.

Misty Severi is an evening news reporter for Just the News. You can follow her on X for more coverage.

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